Love Your Building Managers: Ups and Downs of Scheduling Elevators and Loading Docks
When you’re getting your move on, you want everything to go smooth as silk. The last thing you want is someone putting on the brakes and throwing a wrench into your schedule. When that happens, well lordy, it’s like dominos! Everything gets out of whack!
When I’m on the move, one of the first things on my agenda is to get to know everyone and to learn the rules of the game. I’m the new kid and it’s their playground. (It’s not hard for me—I’m a friendly and inquisitive kind of gal.)
So, here in a nutshell, are some of my Ups and Downs to get your equipment, crates, furniture and records headed in the right direction: into your space.
- Meet and Greet. Ask for building policies and guidelines for moving into and out of the meeting.
- Ask if your vendors are approved and have a current certificate of insurance on file. If not, relay the information to the vendors and send the current certificates to building management.
- Send your move schedule as early in the project as possible.
- Coordinate if there are scheduling conflicts with building management and all vendors / tenants.
- Appreciate that they are trying to manage multiple tenants and projects who all need elevator and loading dock access. Offer solutions and workarounds. Go that extra mile!
- Meet the security personnel and work closely with their processes and guidelines. They are your friend and will help sort out conflicts when multiple vendors are waiting for building access.
- Respect the building, security, safety and management. They will treat you with the same respect you give them.
- Report suspicious activity, damage, safety and security issues to security immediately.
- Assume the elevators and loading docks are exclusively for your vendors.
- Wait until the last minute to schedule the elevators and loading docks and expect to have immediate access and approvals.
- Hide damages made to the building by vendors. Report these immediately.
- Leave trash and food leftovers in the building. Have the vendors clean everything before they leave.
- Leave the office space unsecured. Lock all office doors and freight elevator lobbies.
In general, I think it’s always good policy to use The Golden Rule: Treat everyone (and their facilities) with the respect you would like to receive.