Contact us for a seamless,
sane and successful
corporate move.

713 426 6060

The Smart Way to Manage Workplace Change

C•move’s cost-efficient move management solutions serve companies of every size and business type, and even inter-office moves necessitated by extensive renovation. Whether your company occupies 5,000 square feet of office space or 5,000,000, we devise the strategy, manage the vendors and collaborate with all parties to turn trauma into triumph—whether you move across the hallway, across town or across the country.

The C•move customized move strategy anticipates all services you might need including:

Transition Strategy

  • Change Management
  • Organization and Planning
  • Inventory assessment
  • Budgeting and cost tracking
  • Oversee task force and move team activities
  • Develop computer network procedures
  • Formulate a master move plan and occupancy schedule
  • Implement employee communication strategy utilizing company intranet
  • Convert CAD drawings into a move plan
  • Provide FTP for electronic delivery and exchange of schedules, database and floor plans
  • Institute Mastermind To/From Database to track all moving parts from current location to new location
  • Create custom employee moving packet with pre-printed labels
  • Coordinate furniture installation

Records Relocation Strategy

  • Complete logistics to migrate records: allocation, mapping, labelling, packing and unpacking
  • We treat records as a critical and special area of relocation management. Losing a file is not an option.

Internal and External Service Provider Liaison

  • Prepare moving services request-for-proposals
  • Assist in moving services bid evaluation and selection
  • Coordinate telephone and information systems transfer
  • Assess appropriate insurance requirements
  • Manage office equipment relocation and setup
  • Determine additional vendor requirements

Moving Day On-site Management

  • Provide directional room signs with furniture configurations
  • Oversee PC disconnect/reconnect procedures
  • Provide equipment layout forms for correct PC and equipment placement
  • Supervise pre-move preparation, packing, the physical move, unpacking and trash disposal
  • Oversee special timelines for data center, computers, phones and servers

Post-move Follow Through

  • Oversee and resolve first-day issues
  • Complete post-move follow-up and punch list
  • Audit moving vendor invoices and reconcile payments from client to vendor
  • Assist in post-move furniture arrangement
  • Coordinate and supervise decommissioning of vacated space

All the right connections.

Need your office PCs disconnected and reconnected? C•move is your best connection. Our internal team of technicians can handle the time-consuming task for all PCs, printers, faxes, and related equipment. Plus, we’ll coordinate these services into the move schedule to avoid unnecessary delays. This allows your internal IT team to focus on configuring and troubleshooting the new network.
















Experience that moves you